Councelling and Hypnotherapy for Change

Call or email me now to request a complimentary 15 min call back to find out how I can help you

Telephone: 07526 456800 or Email:

🌈 LGBT+ Affirmative Therapist. (She / Her).

Change your thinking to change your life

Want To Submit A Review?

If we have worked together and you feel you would like to submit a review of your experience, here is the place to do so. Please fill in the form below.

I also would like to say thank you to you for taking the time to feedback.


So far with Debbie, I have worked through a multitude of issues/ traumas and have learned to overcome many of them. The sessions have provided me with a safe space to express my feelings, free of judgement.

Change your thinking to change your life...

Get in touch


Oak Apple, Hillcrest Road,
Horndon on the Hill, Essex.
SS17 8NG

I now work from White Lodge Therapy Practice, 21 Coggeshall Road, Braintree. CM7 9DB every Monday, please contact me for details.

Contact Me

Phone : + 44 (0)7526 456800

Email :

Open Hours

Tues – Thurs: 10am till 6pm

Evening appointments or Saturday morning appoinments available upon request.

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