Councelling and Hypnotherapy for Change

Call or email me now to request a complimentary 15 min call back to find out how I can help you

Telephone: 07526 456800 or Email:

🌈 LGBT+ Affirmative Therapist. (She / Her).

Change your thinking to change your life

Want To Submit A Review?

If we have worked together and you feel you would like to submit a review of your experience, here is the place to do so. Please fill in the form below.

I also would like to say thank you to you for taking the time to feedback.


I’ve had 2 sessions with Debbie as I’ve had some troubles with insomnia. We have put in place some routines to do before bed and helped with the anxiety that it causes me. Got to say it has really helped me!! Feel in a better place now with my bedtime routine. Debbie is very friendly and makes you feel completely comfortable and feel very safe in her hands.

Change your thinking to change your life...

Get in touch


Oak Apple, Hillcrest Road,
Horndon on the Hill, Essex.
SS17 8NG

I now work from White Lodge Therapy Practice, 21 Coggeshall Road, Braintree. CM7 9DB every Monday, please contact me for details.

Contact Me

Phone : + 44 (0)7526 456800

Email :

Open Hours

Tues – Thurs: 10am till 6pm

Evening appointments or Saturday morning appoinments available upon request.

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